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Creative Placemaking in Chilmington Green

Published: 15/06/2022
Aerial view of houses at Chilmington Green

New Community Arts Projects this summer and autumn coming to residents of Chilmington Green and surrounding areas

An exciting programme of community arts events is coming to Chilmington Green this summer. Emergency Exit Arts (EEA) – who are also organising the Fabric of Ashford and the Carnival of the Baubles this year – will be running a series of creative activities in Chilmington Green.

The project has been commissioned by Ashford Borough Council using Garden Communities funding from Homes England.

The coordination of activities will be led by EEA in partnership with the Chilmington Management Organisation (CMO), and aims to bring Chilmington Green residents together to create a unique sense of place and identity within this new housing development.  

EEA is working with Locality, a charity that supports community organisations to be strong and successful, to consult residents on the type of events they’d like to see.

A series of smaller activities during the Summer is likely to culminate in a larger, more spectacular event this Autumn uniting the Chilmington Green community which is currently spread across several development sites.

Hannah Rushforth, a Project Manager with EEA, says “I’ve been talking to Chilmington Green residents and have already heard some great ideas, including creating a flag design to give the community its own identity, and holding a big celebration event where the community can come together. Everyone is keen to get started.”

Maria Antoniou, South East Development Officer with Locality, adds “A sense of community is really important for wellbeing and happiness. When people move to a new place it can take time to build connections, but this project aims to fast-track this by providing opportunities to get together this Summer. Everyone living in Chilmington Green is welcome to participate.”

If you live in Chilmington Green and would like to get involved or receive information about the events you can contact